Episode 3: Of Metagamers and Men

Hello all!  Sorry to take so long getting this to you, but vacations and other things got in the way (a lot).  We’ve had this recorded for WAY too long, but hopefully we’ll finally be able to stabilize with a release schedule once school hits (or we’ll get even worse, who knows). Point is, we’re working to get these to you ASAP, and it looks like, for now, we’re going to be doing one per month.

In this episode, we examine the following article by Grant at Look Robot: http://lookrobot.co.uk/2013/06/23/stanislavski-vs-brecht-in-tabletop-roleplaying/.  In short, we disagree.  Also, we have plenty of story times and lots of unnecessary cruelty to players!  Enjoy!

Episode 1: Quick and Dirty, Choo-choo’s, and Story Time

Hello All!

We are Banish DM, the role-playing and gaming podcast.  We’ll be posting our podcasts here when we make them.  This week’s episode deals with Quick and Dirty Rulesets (games that can be run with minimum prep time) and the concept of Railroading.  Also, please note that the outro has a minor error which will be corrected in the next episode.  We are not going to be posting our files on podbean, instead we’re going to be hosting them on Archive.org.  Please subscribe to our feedburner feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/banishdm

[audio http://archive.org/download/PodcastEpisode1_201305/Podcast%20Episode%201.mp3]

As promised: http://www.urealms.com/content.php?tabid=37

-Banish DM podcast peoples

Exotic Battle and Truth of the Legend Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0